Angelfish with guppys?

Sep 6, 2006
St Louis
Okay, so I wanted to put angels in with my gouramis and you all said no, that they would fight each other, right?

So now I'm wondering, what about angels with guppys? Would the angels bother the guppys or just leave them alone? Or are they just totally wrong for each other?


Small Fish
Feb 19, 2006
Honolulu, Hawaii
Guppies are one of my angel's favorite snack foods. They hungrily suck down the shrimp and guppies / young mollies that I feed them. However, if your angels are still small and if the guppies are large enough they would be okay.


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
Ive never heard it wrong to keep Angels and Gouramies together. :confused: I have done it myself. As long as you are not throwing 2 Angels and 2 Gouramies into a 30G tank. I mean its a little different when you have a 75G tank and Dwarf Gouramies. I think that you would be fine adding to Angels in there. Just dont over stock your tank and make sure that everyone has room to get away if need be. But I have never seen horrible aggression between the two. Also I dont think that anything is wrong with keeping Guppies with them. Again as long as there is space. You have dwarf gouramies now right? When you get angels get young ones and the guppies at the same time (or the guppies first). Add the Guppies into the tank first for them to be settled in before you add the angels. The only time you really see nasty Angels is when they are adults and you try add add this and that with them in a small tank.


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
It is so refreshing to see people actually doing research and asking questions about what fish would go well together...:) happy sigh. Angels get more and more aggresive as they get older. Smaller angels should be alright with comparatively sized fish. As they get older, they need to be put with other aggresive "tough" fish. Or at least fish that won't be on their swimming level. Bottom feeders like cory cats might work.


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
I think that you are overdoing it a bit. Angels are considered semi-aggressive but are not nasty. Not saying that there arent nasty ones out there but most of them will be fine. Also Gouramies are semi-agressive so whats the problem there???

Angelfish - Pterophyllum scalare

Also the idea of getting smaller Angels is so that they grow up with the fish that are in their tank and are less likely to be aggressive to them.

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Sep 6, 2006
St Louis
So I have 6 dwarf gouramis now (2 of the 3 I had were ganging up on one, so I had to get more to spread out that bullying)... So you guys think if I got 2 itty bitty angels, like an inch size (which is what I wanted to do anyway) and they grew up along with the gouramis it might be okay? Cuz that would be so awesome!:D

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Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Personally I'd get ONE angel to go with your existing group. A pair can be asking for trouble unless they're a mated pair, and then you can have issues with tankmates. I've never heard any huge cautions against keeping angels and gouramis together, mainly because I think they are fairly similar in their temprament.

As far as angelfish with guppies, sure, I dont see an issue with that. Would probably be more of an issue with the guppies and the gouramis, but I wouldn't be TOO worried.

Sep 6, 2006
St Louis
Cool beans. So I got my angels today (2) before I read the latest posts from you guys. Obviously I don't know whether they are M or F and will mate or hate each other (did not rhyme on purpose). How will I be able to tell? If it turns out they aren't a "pair" should I return one? How do I make sure I get a "pair"?


Large Fish
Sep 26, 2005
I have about the same question, but I am waiting for my livebearers to die off, which is beginning to happen now that they're getting old, and maybe my paradise fish as well. Can say, one angel get along with the rest of my fish? And what other tank mates would do well with them? As far as cichlids go though I am only willing to get angels. So, please do suggest those, but if those are the only thing that will do well with them then tell me and I shall stay away from angels. Thanks.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
I think everything in your 40g would actually get along fine with an angel, with the possible exception of the CAEs because I don't know much about them save that they get big and nastier as they age. Oh, and the fry because they are just so yummy to an angel. If your paradise fish is fine with the guppies, then he should be safe with an angel... if he seems to go after it at first, you might have to put him somewhere else (like a net breeder or just in a plastic bag floating) for a little while so the angel can get adjusted to the tank in peace.