
Dec 5, 2004
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I hope this is in the right thread.

I recently purchased two small (young) angelfish at Petco yesterday afternoon. It's a Marble Angelfish and a Koi Marble Angelfish. Both of them have been hiding in the back and occasionally coming out a little. Should I be worried? Everytime I turn on the lights they get scared and like start having a spaz attack. After I turn the lights off again, they're remain normal.

And they haven't eaten since being at the pet store. I can't get them to eat. How long is this "initiation" process? Sorry if I'm overreacting since my previous angelfish, though larger/older, took only a day 'till they started to swim around actively.



Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
As Discusgirl says, it's fairly normal.

It can take up to a week for them to get used to the new tank. It usually helps if you don't go up to them too much while they're settling in, and let them get used to the tank for a while before they get used to you.


Large Fish
Apr 23, 2005
Long Island, NY
Once again, I'm agreeing with what everyone else before has stated. I have had angelfish for many years. Their reactions when being placed in a new tank can vary tremendously. From the various angelfish I have had, some were skittish, some active and friendly, and some absolutely frightened. It may also depend on other fish you may have in the tank. Soon they will acclimate and come out to greet you and know when you open the lid it's feeding time! However, as I've noticed with most of these species, they can be easily frightened by sudden lights, noises, or bangs. One of my current angelfishes always is easily frightened and often bangs into the class, so I have to be careful not to cause any reason to scare him. Once he go so frightened he banged himself into the glass repeated trying to flee into a hiding spot that he busted his lip, which eventually succumbed to a fungal infection which I had to treat. But in due time your fish will acclimate and begin to act more "normal."

Dec 5, 2004
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Thanks everyone. The Koi marble is still not eating and even though I gave them food, the regular Marble is eating most of it while the Koi still seems stressed and has its fins held close to its body which I know is a sign of stress. Any advice?

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Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
What other fish are in the tank with them and what size tank? You could try a new kind of food to entice them to eat? Or maybe try getting a garlic medicated food...or adding some garlic to your existing food.

Dec 5, 2004
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Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me....
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now, I see.
T'was Grace that taught...
my heart to fear.
And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear...
the hour I first believed....

My koi marble passed away this morning at 7:00AM EST. :(
I now have a marble angelfish by itself in a 10 gallon tank. They were both the size of a nickle.

I like to thank all of you guys for your suggestions and advice.