Angels are fine as a community fish as long as you have enough space and you do not get a M/F pair that spawn, unless you have ALOT of space. If you tried to get more than one in anything less than a 40g, and you ended up with a pair, your other fish would be in danger. Spawning angels are dangerously protective. I ordered 10 tiny little guys from a breeder last fall for a 55. He sent 12 and now they are huge and I am setting up a 150 for them, so I can keep them. I did put my two smallest in my 75g community tank because they were getting bullied once the spawning started. They did great. And they look spectacular in there. I have black moscow guppies, red swords, yellow mollies, and a school of cardinal tetras. All bright, fast little fish. The regal swimming of the angels really looks spectacular in contrast. Two issues to be aware of if you try it. The angels will eat fry. They are better at it than the smaller fish surprisingly. They sort of stalk them when they are at the surface hiding under plants. One swipe of the tail and they have them. They are very accurate and too fast for the fry to get away using this tactic. This has is pros and cons. The other issue is feeding time. They are not as agile as the little fish and you have to make sure they get enough food.
I agree about the dwarf concept. I have one fish that was the same size as the others, but as an adult is half their size. I don't know the sex yet and it hasn't paired with anyone in my tank, but it would be interesting to see if he/she throws any smaller fry once they start to grow. Hmmm ,an interesting idea. I might have to get on the angel forum and see if any Florida breeders would send me their smaller ones...
I think I'll post this topic on there and see what response I get.