I think that I read somewhere that Angels can be kept with Cardinals, as long as they (the cardinals) are too large to be a meal. If the cardinals are fully grown I don't think it will be a problem. Somebody please correct me if I am wrong.
The reason angels and neons can't go together is that neons are angels natural food in the wild. I'm not sure about cardinals because nobody here has them.*crazysmil I think it work. Cardinals get bigger than neons. Put the cardinals in first and then a young angel. I should learn no to eat them.
my angels are still very small -- although they're growing fast!
i am just thinking ahead to see if i need to have separate tanks for my tetras and angels
You'll be fine, I have kept angels with grown gold tetras and rasboras, and nothing has happened. Since you do have young angels I am certain that it will work out. My angels ignor everyone else in the tank...