Angels + ??? for a 55 gallon

Dec 23, 2004
rockford, IL
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I'm in the process of setting up a standard 55 gallon tank. I've had a real hard time deciding what to stock, but I think I'm going to go with Angels. I plan on getting 3 angels, and some other fish I'm interesting in keeping with them are maybe Apistos, and/or Rams, a common pleco (which will be transfered from a 20 gallon I have now), and a couple Pictus catfish. Will any or all of these fish work, and if so, how many would be recommended of each. If these won't work, I am up for other suggestions, keeping in mind I'd like to be as colorful as possible.

My tank setup will consist of a sand substrate, a Fluval 304 canister filter (I also have an Emporer 400 that I could add if need be), two 150 watt heaters, and will add a couple air stones. I haven't gotten decorations yet as I hadn't decided on my stock of fish, so any suggestions for decorations or anything I'm missing in my setup are welcome.

Sorry for the long post and thanks in advance for any help.

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Superstar Fish
Feb 1, 2004
middletown, CT

here's my suggestion to start off a colourful 55-g tank:

4 - tiger barbs
6 - cardinal tetra
2 - rams
3 - angels
3 - platy
3 - leopard cory cats
4 - danios

then add more as desired. definitly add some live plants and some caves.

jan *thumbsups


Large Fish
Nov 9, 2004
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i would put tetras with angels.
i dont know about the pleco, it could get pretty big ,even in a 55 gal, especially with 3 angles , that will be big too.

You could plant valisneria for the angels, they like it, and it looks great with them.

Nov 27, 2004
New Orleans
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janlo, did you mean wouldnt put tetras with angels? i do believe that tetras are prey for angels in the wild and they wouldnt be a good combo. also if you are gonna do tiger barbs id keep atleast 5, and the more the better b/c that spreads out the aggression. corries are also more active in bigger groups too


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Assuming he wants angels and others....

I wouldn't keep just 3, 2 will pair and the third will suffer. Get 6 or 8 in a tank that size, somebody on here will go '10 gals per angel' but as I've argued before that's nonsense.
I've kept teras with angels and it's ok, though if you put tiny 1/2 inch neons in with 4 inch angels expect the obvious.
Apistos are great. Try to get something a bit different, some of the captive bred cacatuoides are starting to look inbred to me.
Common plecs get too fig. Get something smaller, maybe fancy? Bristles, then a good quality L number

Bear in mind if you have apistos or tetras, pictus cats are bit of a risk.


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Agree with wayne. Larger tetra's would work fine with angels.

Also a large number of corys would be great in there. Dont get just a few of several species, but several of a few species. They will school with thier own kind. Seeing a herd of corys scuttle about your tank is quite a sight to see.

I would also not recomend the tiger barbs. Its a hassle to have to remove fish and stressfull on them as well if it came down to that.


Large Fish
Oct 1, 2004
Frisco, Texas
I currently have two angels and two rams in a 46 gallon and they are great together. I highly recommend both!!!! Also put some big leafed plants in as the angels love to lounge under my swords!!!. If you heavily plant the rams will also be more inclined to come to the front and play for you!!!


Large Fish
Apr 14, 2004
Northern Michigan
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Angels do eat neons, but not when they are small angels. Also, many tetras are large enough that angels won't eat them such as cardinals.

Rams seem to be a good tank mate for angels in my opinion.

Tiger Barbs, I have never kept them but I have always read that they bite angels fins, even if in big groups.

Perhaps clown loaches are a good option. Some say they outgrow a 55 gallon I have heard many things. They also grow very slowly so you have several years before they cause problems. LFS would be happy to take in large clown loach. It would be an easy seller for them. The clown loach idea in a 55 gallon will be torn apart by some extremists that post here because this can be a highly debatable issue.

Seastaar88 setup, other then the tiger barbs, I think is a good idea. Perhaps having clown loaches instead of tiger barbs would work for the color.