Angels in a 10g?


Large Fish
Mar 24, 2008
Is a 10 gallon tank too small to put a breeding pair of angels in?

I know I shouldn't move them, but the two pair are stressing each other out being in the same 75 gallon. And they are eating their eggs.


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
It's way too small, you could probably get away with a single lone pair in a 29gal, but that's a minimum. Better option would be to devide the 75gal and leave both pairs there.


Large Fish
Mar 24, 2008
I hate when I already know the answer. I am working on a divider now. I just thought what a waste of space to only have the 4 fish in there. I really should do the 29 gal idea.
thanks Virgo


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
LOL I knew Cman would be along with the 20h suggestion sooner or later, LOL... but he's known for heavy stock levels and I tend to understock, LOL. I like to limit risk factors that could cause fights or quickly declining water quality if I slack on maintenance.

I know what you mean about only having a few fish in such a big tank. I'm the same way, but if you're getting viable fry, it makes it worth it... or if you have fish as awesome as say... oscars... :p My 220gal has 8 fish, 2 of which are plecos, and 3 are sevs that I plan to let go of and find something new to keep my oscars company. The oscars alone make the ginormous tank worth it all. The plecs would be almost as awesome if they would ever decide to grow! LOL


Large Fish
Mar 24, 2008
I did get a free 55 that is not in my sig. I could split that up for them once I get it set up. I have not yet collected any viable fry, but that is my fault. I am still very new to this. I got my first tank 6 months ago and caught the MTS fever. Not yet sure how the wife feels about it. I would say that we are fighting less, but it's because she is not talking to me!!!! LOL


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
That would be a good alternative and still leaves you with room for discus in the 75g.

LOL I know what you mean, hubby isn't too thrilled about my MTS, but I make sure to pull him into it, he can't argue if he was part of the decisions. :p Once I get to the point where I have the time and space, I want to set up a nice setup with a bunch of smallish tanks (2.5-30gal) for breeding inverts, dwarf cichlids, livebarers, and the like. :p I'm sure he'll be thrilled by that, LOL. I'll have to get him his b.b. goby setup to distract him, hehehe...

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
I do stock heavy, and do frequent WCs yes.

My discus pairs are going to be going into 20 highs. Sometimes it depends on the fish though. All fish have different genetics, just like humans some can be giants some can be smaller. If you change water regularly i don't see a problem with 20gals.

I have a pair of angels in a 29gal currently and it feels like so much wasted space. One of the main reasons for stocking discus pairs in smaller tanks is the fry have to attach to the parent's sides after they become free swimming, so in a smaller tank its easier for them to pick out the parents and attach to them.


Large Fish
Mar 24, 2008
LOL, Nice! You are not going to have much time in about 6 months.

I have tried the same thing. She loves the little fry and does not want them to become fish food, so I used that to justify more tanks lol. It is starting to work. I think we are going to turn the basment into what you are talking about. I have bought 5 10 gallon tanks. I just need to get them orginized and set up. 20's, 30's and I guess 40's will be the next sizes. If you are going to do it, Do It Right! right???


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
LOL Yeah, that's why we're cutting back for now, but once we get a fairly structured life going with the little one, we're definitly getting more tanks/critters again. :p

ABSolutely! LOL gotta do it right... you shoulda seen the faces around here when I said I need a 220gal tank Min. LOL But I got it... had to do it right, I have Oscars and Plecos that are supposed to get large although I think they have decided they like the small/medium size and choose not to grow LOL, good thing I have wimpy oscars! :p


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
Hahaha, I adopted a single oscar that I fell for instantly when I saw the pics on craigslist, planned on eventually making him the main man of the 75gal I currently had with tetras and guppies who could easily move to the 45gal he was quarentined in, but then Hubby fell for this little tiny bit of an oscar at a horrid petstore and insisted we rescue him, thus the big tank was absolutely necessiary as we didn't want just the 2 fish, we had to have plecs and such. I said 180gal min untill I saw a 220gal setup and then I decided I would take nothing less. I went without a Christmas gift, used tax refund to get the tank, with the promise that it would also count as my birthday gift later in the year. It was worth it :p I found a killer deal on a brand new tank a guy had bought and never had the time to setup, so we went to the other side of the state and picked it up, tank and stand still in the box and all, along with every piece of fish related equipment this guy ever had... which was a LOOOTTTT and the 'extra' exquipment alone was nearly worth the $1500 we paid for the tank, stand, and filters.

Now we have 3 oscars (I adopted one from Fishgeek because I loved him and this way she still gets to keep up with him and see pics of him grow) and although the tank looked ginormous for the first few weeks we had it, it has begun to look smaller and smaller to me, expecially when I look out the window and see the 4500gal pond, but alas I don't see a bigger tank in the future any time soon LOL. My dream is a 500gal+ SA setup in a room of other SA critters, reptiles, amphibians, maybe a bird or mammals of some sort, and of course native plants and such as well... But I'd have to win the lottery first... keep your fingers crossed! :p