angels keep getting sick

Sep 22, 2003
i've lost 2 angels in the past couple of months to internal parasites. they would try to eat but kept spitting it out and eventually died of starvation or secondary illnesses. i'm trying to possibly find the source in my fish tank, and the only thing i can think of is driftwood. could it just get in the water also through a water change? my latest victim is a couple month old angel. i had bought two siblings at the same time. the one who is sick is two times smaller than the other. does anyone know what could be happening? although i have other fish in my tank, but none of them are having this problem. could this indicate this parasite is a heximatia (or hole in the head)? thanks!


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Hampshire UK
Visit site
There is a fish med out there called hexamita by a company called eSHa.

It treats for hole in the head - internal and external parasites - bacterial infections, and fungal infections.

It's easy to use, and not expensive, though it turns the water green for the three day treatment.

Whatever is going on in your tank - this stuff should sort it out. Might be hard to find in your area - so do a web search and see if you can get it on-line.

A couple of things I would mention - it doesn't sound like hole in the head - which is easy to spot (and harder to cure). If one of your Angels was always smaller than the others it could have been a runt - they're always the first to go. Driftwood is unlikely to harbour that kind of parasite, parasites are just that - they only live on/in fish. No it hasn't come out of your tap (whatever it is).

Use the med above, and it should clear up (though we'll never know what started this all off)

Sep 22, 2003
yeah i figured it wasn't really hole in the head, but i think that the medication to treat it also kills internal parasites...anyway, ok ill see if i can find some of that medication. i used to buy hexamit before they stopped making it (was it aquatronics or something that made it?). anyway, thanks for the advice, and i have a feeling i do have a runt. while the other one has been thriving, the one that is now sick has hardly grown since i bought it. thanks for the help!


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Even if you haven't picked a runt keeping angels in groups of 2 or 3 will soon produce one ...
Metronidazole is good for internal infections/deworming