Angels spawning

Apr 27, 2012
Lexington, KY
recently my chocolate smokey veil angels began the spawning process. They cleaned the spot for the eggs, eggs were deposited, and supposedly fertilized. After day 2 the eggs turned an off-white color. I'm not 100% on this but i believe that means they didnt get fertilized. If thats the case then i guess that means i have 2 females. Anybody know of any good angels to mix with these as i guess ill have to get another male, just wondering what kind of fry i can get out of these females.


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
Okay, after much Googleing to back-up my original thought i have an answer! The Egg's are turning an Off-white color which means that they likely didnt get fertilized or there could be other issues. May i ask, did ALL the egg's turn off-white or just a few? It is common for some of them to turn white and not hatch. Do some reading on here if ya got more questions, i found this to be VERY helpful.

How To Breed Angel Fish

Feb 27, 2009
On the first try, many males do not fertilize in time, so I would not give up yet and presume you have two females. Once the eggs are laid, the male has a very short window to fertilize before they 'cure' and cannot be. The hardness of your water also plays a role on how short that window of time is.

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Apr 27, 2012
Lexington, KY
Ok ill try to wait it out and see if they just didn't make it in time to fertilize. Although I did get a chance to watch the process. The "male" followed right behind it wasn't even a full 3 seconds before he came in contact with the eggs. And to answer the first? They all turned white and were eventually all eaten

Sep 5, 2011
New Jersey
you definitely already have a pair, so no need for new angels, your current pair would harass any other angels. Most first time parents arent successful, just keep the fish healthy and the tank well maintained and you should have a nice batch of fry shortly