Hey, hey. We don't all need to get all angry. I agree, people need to do reserch, but feel free to ask a question when reserching on another site. But before you post a question why not put the MFT.net serch tool to good use.
Please do not call anybody on this site, or this site itself Unhelpful. Because you are VERY wrong about that. If your question doesn't get answered right then, just wait. People are busy and will answer your question when they can.
Would you want to type the same responses and suggestions over and over? That is why people refer other people to another page.
As for this post, i'm not gonna let it useless. You could put a mixture of Danios, or Rosaboras with the angels. Giant danios? Don't put Barbs or any other cichlids in with it. Better yet, get the angel some of its own kind. Maybe have a group of 4?