As far as the vertical aquascaping - this tank had no other way to go but up! It isn't very wide, but quite tall.
It has a java moss covered piece of drift wood about 24" tall, quite a few pieces of slate - with java moss coming from around the rocks, and a few small spiral vals at the bottom. And for a variation in color I have a few wisteria thrown in. The substrate is a uniform natural tan. The background matches the aquascaping very closely. Once I have the fish I'll look into a floating, hanging plant - any suggestions there? I have an 18 watt on there (sorry, don't know the total wattage for the tank) and currently there is no CO2, but that can be easily changed.
Out of all my tanks I like the cichlid ones the best.
From what I read I figured that I could end up with a pair, but I wasn't going to make an effort to purchase a pair. I don't have the space for a tank to grow those little guys up - and hubby has drawn the line (no more tanks). And I don't like the idea of having the fish spawn simply to feed the fry to my other fish. I understand thats how it goes in nature, but I don't want to do it.
As far as watching them mature, I have had the pleasure of watching a dozen albino tiger barbs grow from about 1/4 inch to over 3/4 inch. Yes - there are still pretty small but so much fun to watch.
I never get live stock from a chain - as in Petsmart. I'm lucky enough to have 6 LFSs within 10 miles from home, 1 of them I have an arrangement where I supply him with a few plants and he trades me store credit.