
Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Long story short, my brother has a 29gal but is currently away at school so i consider it mine, he had a pair of angels in there and the female died about a year back. The male had been in there alone for a while so i thought, what the heck...went to the LFS and tried sexing a female. Brought it home put it in the tank and they started fighting. Oh great, i thought, 2 males. So i had them divided for a while until they started getting along, put them together and as of 1-2 days ago they have eggs, and now wigglers. I knew i got a female at the LFS. ;)


They came from this pair:


The female is very abusive the the male and makes him hide quite a bit. They are both beat up pretty good. So they don't quite look like those photos, but those are when they were in their prime, so you can see their genes. I want to get the male looking like that again.