recently i bought some plants from the fish store and i guess rinsing them off wasn't good enough, but some eggs made it into my tank and now there are snails all over that place, they are very tiny and hard to see, i wanted to get rid of them before they cause any problems, i was kind of trying to keep away from putting any kind a chemicals in my tank, is there any kind of fish that eats snails?? my tank has a small red tail shark, six tiger barbs, and a pleco, any help would be great!!!
recently i bought some plants from the fish store and i guess rinsing them off wasn't good enough, but some eggs made it into my tank and now there are snails all over that place, they are very tiny and hard to see, i wanted to get rid of them before they cause any problems, i was kind of trying to keep away from putting any kind a chemicals in my tank, is there any kind of fish that eats snails?? my tank has a small red tail shark, six tiger barbs, and a pleco, any help would be great!!!