Another fishless cycle inquiry

Dec 10, 2007
Hello to all,

Please be patient, this may be a longer post than usual, my apologies
in advance.

Here are the specifics on the tank in question:

20 gal tank = 17 gallons actual water
whisper 20 = filter bag from cycled tank, carbon removed
2x2 extra sponge from cycled tank
submersed heater = 82 degrees
15 plants
1 medium ornament
6 rocks = from cycled tank
Test kit = API freshwater master test kit

I started the cycle on April 6, 2008.
Due to illness, was not able to keep up with adding ammonia and taking
readings. ( 4/9-4/13/08)

Not sure on how to proceed with the cycling.

Here are the readings from today:

Ammonia: 1.0
Nitrite: 2.0
Nitrate: 5.0-10 ( color is in between the two numbers)
Ph: 7.6
Hardness: 150
Alkaline: 180

I did have Ammonia readings of 4.0 at the beginning, then they fell in
between the 4.0 & 8.0 coloring.
I really could use information on logging readings that fall between colors.

I apologize if I have given more information than is needed or if I forgot

Suggestions on how to proceed?

Thank you for your time.


Large Fish
Jan 15, 2008
34:09:39N, 118:08:19W
Well, it'd be a great if there were a more objective way to determine readings between colors, but there simply isn't. You have to estimate. I find it to be frustratingly subjective, but there's not much that can be done about that. You've got to live with it.

As far as where you should go from here, I say that you should just keep adding ammonia and monitoring your water parameters. It's encouraging that your ammonia levels fell and that you're seeing nitrites. But, I'm not sure there's really anything you can do about the break in your ammonia dosing -- you should just keep moving forward as though it didn't happen, I think.

Waiting for the nitrites to drop can be the longest, most trying part of the process.


Large Fish
Jun 27, 2005
Yep, just carry on as before. I doubt you've lost any bacteria that developed as the ammonia didn't drop to zero so they still had food. Carry on topping up to 4-5ppm I say and don't worry about the gap.

I had a break my first time because I thought I could stop adding ammonia. I had been seeing my ammonia disappear within hours, but because of the break, there must have been a die off and the ammonia was lingering for a few days. Keep adding it and you should see the bacteria recover and the ammonia start disappearing again within a few days. That's what happened with me.


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
Looks like your tank is cycling amazingly fast! Keep adding the ammonia until you can add it and the ammonia/nitrite readings go down to zero within 24 hours. Keep up the good work!

Dec 10, 2007
Hello to all,

Phew, I thought I was going to have to start over.

Thank you all for your responses.

I will restart adding ammonia tonight and do testing as "normal".

Will update numbers in a couple of days, just to make sure things are on track.

Thank you again.

Last edited:
Dec 10, 2007
Hello to all,

Just thought I'd check-in and let you know how the cycle is going.

Started re-adding ammonia on 4/15/08.

2 tablespoons each day for 5 days, readings each pm:

Ammonia: 4.0
NitrIte: 2.0
NitrAte: 5.0

Readings this evening:

Ammonia: .50
NitrIte: 1.0
NitrAte: 5.0

Is there something wrong here?

Should I add a greater amount of ammonia to bring readings back to 4.0?

Don't want to mess up and have to wait longer. This tank is for my son.

Thank you for your time.


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
You're on the right track! Don't worry.

Add some more ammonia to bring it back up. If it starts dropping quickly again, you're almost done. Once you get to the point where after adding ammonia, it drops to zero, along with nitrites, you should be done. *BOUNCINGS What kind of fish is it going to have?

Dec 10, 2007
Hello emmanuelchavez,

Thank you for your reply.

The tank will be for Indian Glass Fish, couple of Panda Cories and some ottos.

Will add the ammonia this evening.



Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
Your cycling is on the right track! As was said above, as soon as you can add the ammonia and the ammonia and nitrites go down within 24 hours, you are done!

However, you may need to rethink your stocking. Indian Glass Fish are actually brackish water fish while corycats can not live in salt water. There are tons of other tetra options though for a tank that size.

Dec 10, 2007
Hello to all,

Thank you for your response, Airborneguy.

Glad things are moving along, son is getting excited now :).


I have 7 Glass Fish in one of the other 20 gal tanks, along with a Emerald Cory,
Peppered Cory and 5 Leapard Danios.
They are doing well, they were added about 3 years ago.

In my research, there were statements of: freshwater species, to brackish species
depending on the local. Some of the articles stated both.

Should I think about removing them and adding to the new tank? And rethink the corys.

Tetras... so many choices, we have a tank of Black Neon and Glo-lites.

Thank you for your time.

Dec 10, 2007
Hello to all,

I have a question for you.

My son is going over his final plans on the decor / landscape on his tank.

He has asked about using floral foam, as a base, sculpted with varying mounds and
such, graduated in height front to back, then recovering with the gravel.

I researched, only found its intended use as an flower arrangement base.

I am concerned with the product breaking down over time and leaching what ever into
the water.

I told him I would check with you all.

Any ideas on how to go about doing what he is thinking, using a different medium?

Thank you for your time.


Medium Fish
Mar 25, 2008
at least ur doing something right. I dont know baout out tank. We have been waiting and waiting and waiting to cycle. Its been two weeks almost and still no sign of any ammonia drops. Ive been assured that things are progressing but its gonna be a month.
I wonder if I add one of those recommended over the shelf bacteria boosters, Cycle is one that seems to alwayus be recommended, if that will help?
although i dont like to add any chemials to my tank.

anyone heard of Right Now! Bacteria??? I came across this and talked to a guy about cyucling a tank in 24 hours, using tri carbon,..


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
I wouldn't use the florist foam, it degenerates in the water and makes a mess. You could use larger rocks to maker an interesting aquascape or piles of rocks, just remember you'll have to clean around them when you clean the tank.

As far as I know, the indian glass fish are happiest and healthiest in brackish water. Corycats are sensitive to salt, so they can not be in a tank with salt in the water. Take a look at pristella tetras and blind cave tetras (your son might find these fascinating as they have no eyes!).

Dec 10, 2007
Hello to all,

Just updating progress and have a questions for you.

Readings for the past two evenings:

Ammonia: .25
NitrIte: .25
NitrAte: Bright Red - no color match = off the chart?

Still adding 2 tablespoons of ammonia after each reading

Are we close to the end of the cycle?


The plants have really outgrown the tank, height and width wise.

If I thin out / cut back the stem plants and thin out the bushy plants, will that interfere
with the cycle?

Thank-you, Airborneguy, tameem, for your respnses.


We are taking your advice at the moment in regards to the Indian Glass Fish.
Now the the problem is deciding on which he wants to stock with now, lol.

I am assuming if we continue to add the ammonia, the nitrite will continue to be
active until the tank is stocked?

Thank-you for your time.


Started a fishless cycle with a 10 gallon tank, set up the same way as the 20 gallon on
04/26/08.The only exception, I used the dirty water from two other tanks & no plants.

Brought the ammonia level up to 4.0
nitrIte level was .50
nitrAte level was 20
Tonights levels:
ammonia: 4.0
nitrIte: 1.25
nitrAte: 20

This is just a test tank, eventually will be a show tank with plants.Possibly a hospital
tank. Have not figured out how to maintain the bacteria in the event it is needed as
a hospital tank yet.