another major setback


Superstar Fish
Jun 3, 2003
Glendale, AZ
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Last October, I bought a yellow watchman goby from Petco. I put it in my quarantine tank, where it died in less than 48 hours. I assumed it had picked something up at Petco that caused its fatality.
Yesterday, after arriving home from a meeting at church, I noticed that my yellow watchman goby was swimming erratically near the surface of the water. He was extremely weak and was easily pulled into the intakes of my filters and powerheads. I immediately recognized trouble and moved him into my quarantine tank.
At, under the "New to the Hobby" forum, I posted the situation and asked for advice. It was suggested that the goby might be suffering from malnourishment, so I attempted to feed him pellets and frozen brine shrimp. "Doby" showed no interest in the food.
I have kept him successfully in my tank since December. He was purchased from my favorite LFS, who had been caring for Doby since August. He ate successfully for me in the quarantine tank before I introduced him to my tank in December. He ate pellets, flakes, and frozen food with success.
He was easily swept around in the current in my quarantine tank, but he showed a little improvement in swimming. I went to bed, hoping he would pull through over night. This morning, I confirmed my worst fear: Doby died overnight in the quarantine tank.
I have kept him successfully in my tank since December. He was purchased from my favorite LFS, who had been caring for Doby since August. He ate successfully for me in the quarantine tank before I introduced him to my tank in December. He ate pellets, flakes, and frozen food with success.

My tank parameters were (and are now) on target, with an exception to elevated NO3 levels (10 ppm). I suspect this is because of the removal of the biowheel (which led to the withdrawal of my green hair algae problem), but I am not sure.
The only other changes I have made to my tank recently is the addition of two cleaner shrimp, whom I have seen cleaning Doby. When they cleaned the inside of his gills, the goby "flinched" and appeared to be in pain.
Here is the link to my thread on RC, where I have hopefully explained the problem a little more. I am extremely discouraged right now: this is a major emotional and financial blow.



Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
Im sorry that you lost your fish. The only thing I could think of would be that the cleaner shrimp brought something in while they cleaned him. Where did you get your shrimp.

I tired the link for RC but it didnt work, its probably me though, no links i have been clicking on have worked. I hope you find out what happened, and once again, sorry you lost him :(


Superstar Fish
Jun 3, 2003
Glendale, AZ
Visit site
Interestingly, it was suggested on RC that my cleaners might have brought in Brooklynella or Uronema (I think that's how you spell it). The symptoms for the former sound very much like what my goby went through. I have come to the conclusion that I will medicate preventively when I acquire a new fish, and quarantine when acquiring certain inverts. So begins my stockpiling of medications (probably copper, formalin, and malachite green) so I may be prepared in the future. This has been a bad experience, but I feel that I have gained a lot of useful and essential knowledge.
Anyway, my DIY overflow is still on schedule and I plan to have a sump running some time next week. The rest of my tank inhabitants look fine, and this is now behind me. It can only get better, right?