Another new guy


Small Fish
Jun 4, 2006
North Carolina
Hi I'm Daniel I've been keeping fish for about 3 years now and I have a 55 gallon freshwater tank with an Albino Tiger Oscar named Eros and a Black Ghost Knife named Atlas. A 10 gallon freshwater 2 Red Lionhead Goldfish and recently lost the contents of a 37 gallon freshwater tank (8 inch Gold Nugget Pleco and 2 3 inch Bala Sharks) to an 8 year old boy that played net the fish and shake them with my tank while I was at work and he was visiting my mom with his parents.

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GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR The 8 yr old would have to get my foot surgically removed from his back side...... He is OLD enough to know better, and his parents should have their butts kicked too. Sorry for the Rant..... Welcome to the Tank.
The length of my patience for the smaller people that inhabit our world is about 1 inch long.... Parents need to raise them better. :mad:

PS.... Welcome to the Tank!!!!!

Igor The Cat

Superstar Fish
Jul 14, 2003
Seattle, Washington
now i hate saying this on welcoming posts but both your tanks are horribly over a goldfish alone needs a 20gal and preferably a 30 for 2, and an oscar or 2 will fill up a 55 while a BGK needs a MUCH Bigger tnk think along the lines of a 125 or so...

but welcome to the tank!


Small Fish
Jun 4, 2006
North Carolina
To answer your question Limi310 I'm in the clemmons area. and Igor my tanks are no where near overstocked the goldfish are very small and they are fine in their tank. The Oscar is a baby so is the BKG and your being ridiculous saying it NEEDS a bigger tank it's very small and the Oscar and BKG are both fine. I always get so sick of people talking about my god your tanks are overcrowded when they know nothing about my set up or size of the fish. The fish are staying in the 55 for a while until I move out and get a 75 gallon or more. and if my tanks are indeed "overstocked" it has no affect the bioload is being handled very efficiently with crystal clear water, and amazingly bright and healthy fish.


Small Fish
Jun 4, 2006
North Carolina
No I know they grow fast but I've done this before it's not like its my first time with either fish. More than likely the BGK won't get to the supposed 16-20 inch maximum size it'll probly stay at a nice 12 or so and the Oscar probly about the same maybe 14 It'll take over a year for them to get that big so for now they are fine in their tank and people telling me it's overstocked isn't gonna change anything because as long as the water isn't giving high levels of ammonia or nitrites, is clear and my fish are healthy the tank isn't overstocked.


Superstar Fish
Mar 14, 2006
Sacramento, California
Mooch, I agree with you that people shouldn't tell you its overstocked. Yes your right that no one here knows your setup but we aren't here to make yoo angry. But people do need to stop telling others that their tanks are oveerstocked. I know mine is but I keep up with WC(water changes) and test the water every other day. Oh and welcome to the tank.


Small Fish
Jun 4, 2006
North Carolina
I know everyones just looking out for the best interest of the fish. I didn't mean to seem like a jerk or anything I was just trying to defend my actions and like Up Up and Guppy said I also keepy up with water changes and test my water twice a day I have a checklist next to the tank to record the water conditions and I make sure my fish are in the best conditions possible or I fix it


Small Fish
Jun 4, 2006
North Carolina
I know they will get bigger and you forget I'm not a noob I've been doing this for a few years and I take care of an entire fish system at my store, and since I've been working there dead fish pulled has gone down 46% so far.