another new lad which you will say hello to ok?


Small Fish
Aug 31, 2005
Hiya everyone. I adore fish 100%. I love how each one swims, eats, floats about around the tank.

I have a small 2 gall tank which has 5 black widow tetras, 3 penguin tetras, 1 sucker fish, 5 columbian tetras and two other fish which I cannot recognize.

I would love some help etc going on to be a much biiger fish lover and poss breeder if it came to it.

Forgot to say im only 15 and have had a tank for bout 3 months now


Small Fish
Aug 31, 2005
the size of the tank does look alright. the tank isn't to overcrowded etc.

And the fish is about 1.5 inches at the moment and as the fish turns in the water a purpley blue reflection shows. looks quite good.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
According to pretty much every fishkeeping standard your tank IS overstocked...whether it appears that way to you or not. When you plan a tank you need to take into account the adult size of the fish and in reality you should only have 1-3 VERY small fish in a 2 gallon tank...most people would say that 2 gallons isn't big enough for anything except maybe a betta.

For the stock you have...I think most people would suggest at LEAST a 30 gallon tank for the fish you have, possibly more depending on the two mystery fish and what type the "sucker" fish is.

Can you give more of a description on the mystery fish? I'm afraid 1.5 inches and a purply blue reflection doesnt 'give us much to go on. Sounds like it could be my blue tetra...but a lot of fish are shimmery and would appear purple/blue...

Maybe you could look through the fish profiles and see if you see any pictures that look like it?

Welcome to the tank, pricey! Hope you stick around and learn a hell of alot more about fish keeping, i haven't been here long either.. and this website helped me set up my FIRST tank! :)
Your tank is rather crowded.. perhaps getting a few more small tanks to seperate the fish within (if you cannot afford/space the tank anywhere), or get a nice big one! :D
Any troubles? just private message me... or even ask a moderator like Froggy for help. See you around!


Small Fish
Aug 31, 2005
Thanks guys. I have asked my dad he's more good at measuring tanks he told me it was 3-4 which is better. I will put a pic up of the mystery fish and 'sukcer fish' lol! and the tank its self so you can give me tips etc


Large Fish
Oct 2, 2003
Central NY, USA
Princey, many us started out with a very small tank & way too many fish (I confess I did). Please, save yourself time, money, heartache, & some fish lives by listening to some of these experienced fishkeepers that want nothing more than to help you do just that.

I am no fan of the 1 inch of fish per gallon "rule" but it does have it's merits for newbies keeping small fish...... JMHO

I have 9 tanks running (2 as small a gallon with 1 fish each upto a 55gal.) & I am NO Expert/know-it-all (soooo many people here have YEARS more experience than me & more gallons of aquarium water than me)...... To me learning is what makes this hobby addictive!

ram man

Superstar Fish
Apr 16, 2005
the firt thing i started with was a fishboul with a betta neons and a crayfish. it was horrible. if you can try to return the fish and get somthing that will fit in there. and if you have a pleco then you are definetly overstocked.


MFT Staff
Nov 19, 2004
Bangor, Maine
princey said:
I have a small 2 gall tank which has 5 black widow tetras, 3 penguin tetras, 1 sucker fish, 5 columbian tetras and two other fish which I cannot recognize.
Welcome to the MFT tank. :)

Please take everyone's advise, here. You are grossly overstocked. How do the fish even move, let alone "live" with a teaspoon or so of water to themselves? A two gallon tank can have some wonderful possibilities. Your amount of fish = certain disaster. Sorry to be harsh. Are you able to take those fish back to the pet store? A 2 gallon would give a betta a great home and they would flourish and be happy in it with the right care.

And Chazwick & Fish long you have been a member here and how many posts you have really is only in the eye of the beholder. It's just a number and quite irrelevant as far as knowledge and experience and dare I say, aquatic maturity? goes.

ram man

Superstar Fish
Apr 16, 2005
ive been here for just a little while but have so much knowledge now! i guess it how much you learn. but then again being a super fish sure does sound nice!


Large Fish
Jul 10, 2005
Lincoln, Nebraska
Chazwick said:
Yeah - but i joined another fish forum long before august;)
Suprisingly, enough this isn't the only one.. lol

please tell me you have better things to do with your time than to argue about who has been a member, or who can get 'superfish' status first.

There isn't a prize or anyhting when you get that 'status'.....