Another newb from Canada


Small Fish
Jan 27, 2009
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
Hey everyone. Brian here from Regina, Saskatchewan. I'm brand new here, but getting to be an old hand at fish keeping (I like to think, when in reality, there is a lot of things I need to be doing better/differently). Currently my wife and I have set up a 29g freshwater tank, which has finally cycled so we're not loosing any fish. We have one alsmot year old angel, with two small ones we bought a couple weeks ago. With them we have the Blue Lazer Gang (6 neon tetra's), two fire belly gouramis, and an algae eater. That's it for this tank. We are looking at getting another one once we can settle down and not move around too much. At least a 55g, probably a cichlid tank, but I would love to go larger and start setting up a saltwater tank. Our son loves watching Finding Nemo, and we want to set up a tank with some of his favorite characters from there.

Well, that's me in a nutshell.