another newbie


Medium Fish
Oct 19, 2003
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HI I'm BlueAngel and I'm an addict!
Really I am, when it comes to fish and plants I have become addicted. I'm happy to have found this site and belong to a few others as well. hope to find a lot of good reading here.


Medium Fish
Oct 19, 2003
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thanks for all the warm welcomes! I have already made myself at home here and have begun to answer a few questions.... I myself don't have many questions of my own.... at least not at the moment, but am always willing to lend a helping hand when it comes to answering questions about fish :)
A little about myself:
I currently have a total of 5 tanks and 4 betta glasses...
I have a 55 gallon, 2x29 gallons, a critter keeper for betta breeding, and a 2 gallon.
the fish I keep are: 2 oscars, 3 common pleco, 2 bristlenosed plecos, guppies, mollies, platties, rummynosed tetras, black skirt tetras, 1female betta, 3 male bettas, 4 bronzed corries, 2 peppered corries, 2 albino corries, 2 skunk corries, and the ever obvious fry that comes with the livebearers.
the "others" I keep are: 4 crayfish, 1 red lobster, 6 ghost shrimp, 1 dwarf african frog, ramshorn snails, malaysian trumpet snails, pond snails (yuk), 1 giant ramshorn (marisa apple snail), 1 adult female p. Canaliculata apple snail, and a bunch of baby canas.
I also have my ever popular furry friends as I ahve 2 dogs, 2 cats.
I have the feathered friends with my 2 budgies.....
and then there is the human pets.... my hubby and 2 kids(although sometimes I think there are 3 kids and no hubby! :p )
well that's enough about me for now.....