Another Newbie


Small Fish
Jul 27, 2005
*celebrate Hello, I am relatively new to this hobby and loving it!!!! I had fish when I was in school and boy has it changed :eek:

I wish I knew about water conditions, evan water changes (I used to just dump the whole thing)!!! I could have prevented alot of loss!!!!!

I have 2 29 gallon tanks, one with 3 Tiger Oscars, 2 Pictus Catfish, 2 Kenyi Cichlids, 1 Brown Bullhead Catfish, and 1 Pleco. (Yes I know :p ..... tank too small!!! I plan on getting a 100 gallon or better as soon as I find a good deal :D ). The other has 1 Albino Channel Cat, 1 Rainbow Shark, 1 Bala Shark, 1 Columbia Shark,1 baby Brown Bullheat, a Rainbow ( :confused: ) fish, 1 Pleco, and another kind of bottom feeder that I don't remember the name, it's a flat brown kind of catfish that doesn't really move much. I also have 5 Beta's and about 30 fancy guppies.

I also have 3 Kids (Boys), 5 Cats, 1 Dog, and 2 Horses *SUPERSMIL


Small Fish
Jul 27, 2005
Ya, we love animals, it gets pretty busy at times, especially because I will not tolerate the smell of animals so the Boy's are really good with helping out.

Our dog is a sheltie/ lab cross, she evan helps out with the cats and horses ..... if they are doing something they shouldn't she gets after them, expecially if they don't stop or come when I tell them too!!!! She is an awsomly smart and affectionate dog.