another newbie


New Fish
Jan 7, 2009
Okay, started our tank and after a week our water levels were in good shape. Purchased the usual 2 clown fish and a bulb anemone. The 2 fish tried to kill each other, but have come to a mutual agreement on space. But on the anemone-the first couple days he was quite happy and stayed in a bright spot at the top of our rock (which is shaped like an outreached hand cupped up and space below it) opening and closing and looking great with "rosie the the champ fish" making it her home. Then yesterday morning he (the anemone) was underneath and to the back of the rock. Last night and today he is still under but to the front. Last night he ate well and was looking good and puffy, but this am he was quite small and not as full. Could he still be adjusting? He is not getting very much light where he is, and we were in the understanding he should be wanting more light than he is getting right now. We have fed him every other day since getting it on Sat 1/3, should we just continue and see how he does, or be more concerned?


Large Fish
Jun 29, 2008
What kind of light do you have in the tank?

Did you use established media (live rock, sand, etc) in your tank. I am surprised that the tank cycled in only a week. it usually takes a few weeks for everything to get cycled. i wonder if the tank is cycling and this has resulted in the anemone hiding?

Are these clown fish wild or tank bred? If they are tank bred there really is no need for a host anemone.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Read the anemone sticky at the top of the forum also, anemones are really only recommended for mature stable pristine tanks and if they are not you will run into problems. Anemones move when they are unhappy as this one sounds to be. I would suggest taking it back to the store if you can, otherwise, make sure that your parameters are very stable and don't feed it so much. My bta gets mysis and 1/2 silver side once a month....though it is under good metal halide lighting and has really dark zoanthelle.....can you post a pic of the nem?


New Fish
Jan 7, 2009
He has changed to face the back of the tank again, but is looking plump and fluffy. The lighting is called Reef Sun 50/50. In concerns about our water, we tested it at home and at the store and it all looked good, we purchased some very well established live rock that the store had actually used and taken out of one of their large displays. Unfortunately we are unable to run back to the store as it is about 70 miles away. I will wait and see how he does the next couple days and if not better by the weekend i will check in with them.