well, now plucky is not doing well at all... He has been in the 30gal w/ the goldies for quite some time and has had no prollem. The mean ol CAE is on the other side of the divider, so that can't be the problem. The other (new)rubber-lipped-pleco that is on the same side as plucky looks fine as far as colorations go and is happily hiding under a rock. Plucky looks unusually dark and only his gills are moving. He doesn't have the strength to hold onto the side of the tank and made no struggle when I netted him for the emergency tank. I checked all the water parameters (except nitrate, cause I lost the damn stick-shovel that you use to add the little grey powder ), and they are fine. Nitrate is prolly a bit high, but nothing the boys haven't seen before...
What am I missing? I'm about to head out to the LFS to see if they have any ideas. Plucky looks almost the same as Jackson(the dead one) did when I found jackson lieing belly up. Yesterday I found Plucky lying in a crevice near the bubble wall, but he was holding onto the side of the tank just fine, so I thought nothing of it. Today he was just lying there, gills moving, but thats about it... I prodded him w/ the end of my net and he did nothing. He didn't even make any struggle to flip over rightside up in the emergency tank, so I flipped him over gently w/ a fork.
additives: Aquarium salt, ph Buffer up, stresscoat.
What am I missing? I'm about to head out to the LFS to see if they have any ideas. Plucky looks almost the same as Jackson(the dead one) did when I found jackson lieing belly up. Yesterday I found Plucky lying in a crevice near the bubble wall, but he was holding onto the side of the tank just fine, so I thought nothing of it. Today he was just lying there, gills moving, but thats about it... I prodded him w/ the end of my net and he did nothing. He didn't even make any struggle to flip over rightside up in the emergency tank, so I flipped him over gently w/ a fork.
additives: Aquarium salt, ph Buffer up, stresscoat.
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