Another Stocking Question

Is my tank:

  • Fully Stocked

    Votes: 3 75.0%
  • Understocked

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • Overstocked

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Large Fish
Mar 9, 2003
ontario, canada
Visit site
Ok i got a 35 gallon and was wonderin where i am at in the stockin department because im fairly new to community tanks and the old 1 inche per gallon isnt really useful ive heard. so heres my fish and tell me where u think i am stockin wize

1 Dwarf Gourami
6 Platies
1 black molly
1 Gold Dust molly
4 Zebra Danios
1 Red swordtail
1 Rubber Pleco
35 gallon tank
2 AC 150s
Custom Bio Filter with sand and lava rock


Small Fish
May 12, 2003
Visit site
I agree with the inch per gallon not being a very accurate. Each tank has it's own rules. Compatability and water conditions play a major role. If you have good filtration and plenty of water agitation or a lot of water surface, you can stretch the limits. Your choice of fish also play a major role. Some are swimmers and need a lot of space, others don't. If it is not heavally decorated you can add some more without problems. Depeding on the fish of course

Oct 22, 2002
I'd say go ahead and add away....I dont think your overstocked at this point....although I hope you have good filtration, I know you have a lot of fish that like to eat and like to poop there.....

In my 29 gallon planted tank I have
3 khuli loaches
3 female bettas
4 otto cats

my next step is probably going to be to add the following
4-5 khuli loaches
3-5 otto cats
12-20 ghost shrimp
and maybe 8-15 neon or cardinal tetras