Another tang...

Apr 21, 2005
Houston Texas
Well i lost my 2nd tang and i am done with tangs this time.I said that last time but then i thought i would try it again with a yellow eyed tang because i was reading that thay are preaty hardy fish.Well it was doing good then todoay he was dead.I dont know if its the size of my tank.I got a 65 gal.I only got 2 fish in there but can anyone let me know what is a beautiful fish to get that is hardy and is reef safe. just want one more fish that does not die on me.My clown and my foxface are the only ones in there that can pull through anything.Thats just what gets me is that both of my fish do good but when i add another fish its good for 3 weeks then BAM its in the toilet.I will shut up now.Thanks everyone *SUNSMILE*


Superstar Fish
Jun 12, 2004
Montreal, Quebec
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when you found him dead, what did you noticed ? Was he missing some scales, white eyes, red on the tail, spots, anything ? Alive, was he shy ?
If it's sudden death..well..mhh..fight with similar shape fish ? Stray voltage ?
You tank looks great btw

Jul 29, 2005
Sunny Cali & Rainy England
Chuck. I am sorry for your loss and disappointment. I remember your post describing you excitingment of getting him a couple of weeks back. I was particularly interested because a Yellow Eye (or Kole) Tang is on my shopping list. They look beautiful, apparently have a lot of character and are great at grazing on brown diatoms. I learn that they ARE hardy ONCE they have adjusted to your system.

How was he before his death? Anything unusual?


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Try a dwarf angel - something fairly tough like an argi, eiblii, tibbicen or similar. Don't try any of the tricky ones.

And I'd say it's time to start QT'ing. Get the fish in good shape before it goes inyour tank.

Also your foxface is not going to be reacting well to another tang

Jul 22, 2004
northern illinois
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i have a yellow tang and a foxface and have not ever had a problem with either of them. i also do some minor switching of rock formation when i add a new fish. my other which is a coral beauty angelfish is wonderful too as well as easy to care for.
have you noticed your foxface to chase or harrass the other?
and i definately agree with wayne, i think its 3 weeks you are suppose to qt a fish but i usually get antsy and only make it a week