Any advice for torch coral (Euphyllia Glabrescens)

Apr 11, 2006
Hello guys, I just bought this coral today, any advices for me to keep this coral healthy and thrive?? Oh another question, this coral is very greenish transparent and has 7 heads, I ask the lps and she said that this is how the coral suppose to be. I was looking through numberous pictures of this coral in the net and found it to be more green, not greenish transparent, so I was wondering if the corals has been severly beached or this greenish transparent is his natural color??

Here is what I have in my tank:

-aquac remora skimmer
-pengiun 200 without biowheel filter(should I remove the carbon from the filter cartrige?)
-130watts powercompact
-Coralife UV sterlizer
-1 mandrain goby (doing great, he eats brineshrimps)
-1 tiger watchman goby(always try to commit sucide at night)
-1 devil lionfish
-2 big snails (they produce alot of wastes)
-1 clam
-1 flower ploypups
-1 zoo
-1 torch cora
-1 yellow ploypus

Any advices other than the one from the pet store book will be grealty appreciated. Oh by the way, I really want to post up a picture so you guys can see it but I don't know how to attach it to this site, it keeps on asking for the url, what do I put?

Last edited:
Jul 14, 2005
Tampa, FL
What do you mean by a "devil lionfish"? Just wondering, never heard of it. The only thing I would be worried about, as far as lighting is concerned, is the clam. For posting pictures, it is asking for the url of where the photo is located on the internet. If you use photobucket or the like, this is very easily outlined.

Apr 11, 2006
No, it a devil lion fish, they look similair. Look on this site for more info. The Lionfish Info Sheet: Captive Care and Home Husbandry by Frank Marini, Ph.D. -

So you are saying that my torch is a little bleached, hummm, what should I do to cure it? I guess I'm right, he is suppose to be green, not greenish transparent. I thought this is a cool color that why I bought this coral in the first place didn't even have the thought that it might be bleached. Anyways, thanks for helping me out.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I looked at that site. I think it's an antennata using the id from that page , plus the fact that devils are only collected from SA, and how many shipments of SA fish go to the US? Not many.

The mandarin won't live long on brine shrimp - go to mysis - you should anyway because you need to start feeding the euphyllia every 2 or 3 days, and mysis is one of the easiest things to do. Some seem to do ok without direct feeding, buit in a tank of this size it's hard to see them getting enough food without eating the mandarin. Each polyp needs indiviual feeding. Also beware they sting a lot (mine is physically painful to me) so anything nearby may start to recede.

I can't tell if it's bleached or not as your lighting seems to be a bit biased toward s blue for my liking

Apr 11, 2006
Hey Wayne, you said you feed them mysis shrimps right? Do you feed the torch coral anything else other than mysis? According to your experience with this type of coral, is there anything I should be aware of other than from what is said on the net and the book. Mine seem to expand more in low light, does your? Yea, I going to upgrade the lionfish to a 75 gallons soon. He seems to be doing well in the 20 gallons. Anyways, thanks for taking the time to look at my pictures. Oh, by the way, this lion fish is a devil, not a attena lion. Look from the head, there is a difference in the coloration as well as the eyes. Here is another pic of my torch coral, hopefully this picture is better to tell if he is bleached or not. I have look through the net but didn't find anything similiar, maybe he's more rare.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
No, just mysis, pellets. Mine is expanded most of the time, and seems to be doing ok, and has grwon somke new heads.

To push the argument the lion is for sure NOT Pterois milesi - the pectoral fins are distinctive of an antennata. Look atthe pictures under, search with the genus set to Pterois

Apr 11, 2006
Your right Wayne, mine is not a Peterois miles(aka devil firefish not devil lionfish), it's a Pterois mombasae(aka devil lionfish). I don't know why that site doesn't name the Pterois mombasae devil lionfish, instead they name it Frillfin turkey fish. That other site and the lps did stated that the pterois mombasae is aka as the devil lionfish. Maybe there are different names that people goes by.