Any advice on getting a setup...

Jan 26, 2006
hi i've allways wanted an aquarium, i have owned a moderately sized(maybe 60g) goldfish tank but it busted on me and they obviously died but i dont recall... nnnneway i was on the verge of buying an absolutely blindingly huge tank, it's still at the shop and its $1200, and i mean umagad what would i have done, probably had a big mess on my hands... well actually i was downright studying my *** off but thats besides the point. argghhhh darnit i want it sooo bad. but that moneys gone now, and i've got a ball python and still really want a freshwater aquarium. so to aid me in this venture of discovery... any of you kind folks have any info how to setup a 90 gall in terms of what fish to put in there. i dont actually know whats at the store but i think a trip farther than town would be much wiser anyway. like generally a nice community tank where everyone would be cool and happy? and i think theres enough info on the rest of the stuff i needa know here... maybe. hopefully!:eek: :confused:

but im steve and im glad to be part of this forum, and thanks for any info.*SUPERSMIL


Superstar Fish
Aug 21, 2005
Clinton, NY
Hey there! Welcome to the tank! *thumbsups
Probably best you didn't get the huge aqaurium, it's usually best to get the hang of things small and then move up.
I've got a 90 gallon, though it has a temporary setup right now. Setup is really going to depend on what kind of fish you want. I personally think a 90 is a very good tank for variety. You can really do almost anything you want. Are you looking for small fish, medium fish, or large fish? Once you decide, you'll also want to make sure that all the fish you want will get along okay.
Then you can work on decor and equipment depending on the fish you choose :)


Medium Fish
Mar 30, 2005
PlecoCollector said:
Probably best you didn't get the huge aqaurium, it's usually best to get the hang of things small and then move up.
It may be a good idea to start small, although I was told to go as big as you can afford, because bigger is easier. I started with my 120, and found it quite easy and rewarding. I'm quite certain I wouldn't have enjoyed it as much if I was limited to only small fish in a small tank. I say get the 90 gallon tank. Pleco collector is right, it is a great size, and gives you lots of options.