Any cichilds able to live in a 10g tank?

Me personally, will say Convicts.....because i've done it sucessfully.
I'll be one who disagrees with cons.
I can barely squeeze my pair into a 40gl tank.
I had a pair who took over an entire 80gl.
I have adult cons, however, females averaging 4", males averaging 6".
Still, I've kept cons in tanks as small as 10 gallons. It just wasn't a permanent thing. Might work up till they hit about 2". Then it's a situation that amplifies domestic disharmony and can cause it to become fatal for one of the two fish of the pair.
I'd say the same for kribs. It simply does not work as a permanent situation.

Smaller Apisto. species, blue/gold/German rams, Lamp. multies, L. similis and L. brevis are about all I can recommend as far as an enjoyable 10gl cichlid display goes.


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
I think Straitjacket made a good point. It's one thing to have them in a 10 gallon, it's quite another to have an enjoyable tank. If you have a pair that's constantly at each other's throats due to territory issues then that's not going to be as enjoyable. Shoot, I have a female krib that couldn't keep a mate in a 45 gallon. She does OK as long as she's not breeding, and in a 75 gallon tank lol.

For me the more enjoyable tanks have smaller fish in larger tanks. This allows us to better see how they would act in the wild. I would stick to the smaller species that have been mentioned. They may not be very common in most LFS's, but they are well worth the trouble to hunt down.


Large Fish
Aug 3, 2007
New York
I've got an empty 5G and 10G...I LOVE the rams I saw in the LFS a couple of weeks ago...I'd never been interested in cichlids until I got Oscar...then in looking for something new for the other 55G the guy showed me the rams...thinkin I might have to get a few of those...but I don't think I'd want to put them in something so small...geez, I've already got too many tanks as it is!! LOL!