Any Ideas ?

Jun 19, 2013
Moved out of a 15 gal. into a 55 gal. and i am in the process of getting my ducks in a row to go to a live planted tank, with a great group of community fish already in place for about a yr. The big question is what to do with the 15 gal. I dont want to sell it and i dont want it just sitting around collecting dust. Any ideas would be great thanks.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I would use it as a quarantine tank - but I would keep a betta in it. So far in my experience they seem to be as hardy or hardier than most fish and it keeps the tank active and beautiful. I wouldn't use an expensive betta - the $3 ones in a big tank become beautiful all by themselves. A 15g has plenty of room to add a few fish to quarantine. Actually I have had a betta and a couple of otos in what I call my quarantine tank for many months. The only problem comes in if you have to medicate - otos don't tolerate some medications.

Aug 28, 2013
Dayton, OH
I would use it as a quarantine tank - but I would keep a betta in it. So far in my experience they seem to be as hardy or hardier than most fish and it keeps the tank active and beautiful. I wouldn't use an expensive betta - the $3 ones in a big tank become beautiful all by themselves. A 15g has plenty of room to add a few fish to quarantine. Actually I have had a betta and a couple of otos in what I call my quarantine tank for many months. The only problem comes in if you have to medicate - otos don't tolerate some medications.
^^ wonderful idea! You could also go with a small school of fish, like tetras! :)


New Fish
Jun 19, 2013
Thanks for all the input, I think a quarantine tank is a great idea. But I think i am going to drop a few schools of Rasboras in the tank, maybe a Emerald, copper, or maybe even some galaxy rasboras, again thanks for the help.