I recieved my first order today from www.aquariumfish.net I orders 4 SAE and they are just beautiful! They are located in california and reached my home here in Ohio in 24 hours, even with all of last weeks events. They were supposed to be shipped on the 11th, but that of course didnt happen, so they shipped them a week later. I also ordered a dwarf gourami, one male and one female, they are beautiful. I got 5 more tiger barbs to keep my other 5 company. the 4 sae, 2 panda cories, they are sooooo cute. An orange spotted sail fin pleco, another clown loach, 20 ghost shrimp, a freshwater clam to add variety, I also ordered 20 neon tetras....but 18 were doa. Poor little guys just didnt ship well. I know never to order them again. They do refund DOAs though. And get this...shipping is 19.75! no limit on fish, ship rate never changes!!! amazing huh?
I know a lot of you keep planted tanks, so I thought I would pass the word on the sae...I know some people have trouble finding them.
I know a lot of you keep planted tanks, so I thought I would pass the word on the sae...I know some people have trouble finding them.