My wife and I fell in love with Oscars in the pet store. I was wondering if there are any kind which do not grow to 11-14 inches? (eg: dwarf varieties?!)
I'd like to put one in my 40 gallon hex.
We bought a rusty chiclid which I am going to raise (it's tiny at the moment).. not sure what else to put in the 40G but would like to have only chiclids.. any suggestions? I would also need some kind of cleaner/bottom feeder.
I'd like to put one in my 40 gallon hex.
We bought a rusty chiclid which I am going to raise (it's tiny at the moment).. not sure what else to put in the 40G but would like to have only chiclids.. any suggestions? I would also need some kind of cleaner/bottom feeder.