Just thinking, but wouldn't it be a bad idea to put two convicts together with 2 turquoise severums. THe tank is 55 gallons planted. IT also contains
7 black skirt tetras and a choc. pleco. Any input please?
uh...black skirt tetras with cichlids? Doesn't sound like a very good idea to me...the tetras will get killed as soon as the convicts start breeding...and I know nothing about how the severums would get along with the convicts.
Severums will get along, but not in that size tank. Severums get rather large and a 55gal is good for a pair i think. Adding convicts will stress everyone out.
That's pretty much what I was thinking, just wanted some outside opinions. The severums don't really pay any attention to the tetras, they're too busy with each other.