Anyone else keeping monos?


Large Fish
Apr 8, 2003
Medina, NY
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Well as the title suggests i have become quite enthralled by my two monos in my 55 gallon tank. I feed them frozen bloodworms, which my violet goby enjoys playing the part of the cleanup crew for. What else can i feed them since they are voracious eaters? I don't think their mouths are big enough for feeders, any ideas?


Monos are great
they are heavy feeders

I have 3 plus a Sabre, some scats and other brackish community fish.
They will eat most anything including small fish. They are beautiful to watch and are quick as lightening. The scats are too.
I feed dry in the morning with flake, crisps, shrimp pellets and alge tabs once in awhile.
They get tubflex and red worms dried once in awhile too.
In the evening I feed frozen shrimp, blood worms, beef heart and a frozen veg fish food. Not all at once but a nice variety.
These get very large, like 6 inches or more, remember big fish eat little fish!
I have stacked alot of aged live rock in order to create escape routes for the smaller guys as these monos are growing pretty quickly.
They should as they seem to have a better diet than I do!
I am still researching the belief that Monos and Scats are supposed to go into a full marine as they mature.
There are several schools of thoughts on this matter.
One says full marine
one says it isn't important as brackish fish they travel into different salinity ranges.
Who knows, I will just keep an eye on them and their behavior, color and eating habits, time will tell.
Hope this helps, any questions just ask!


Large Fish
Apr 8, 2003
Medina, NY
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Hmmm, flake food you say??? I will try that, as i have bulk quantities and I also have frozen tubifex on hand. My guys eat a chunck of frozen bloodworms each night (my violet goby is my one man cleanup crew). As they get bigger do they get less nippy? I have noticed some nips out of my goby's huge flowing fins....

Nov 8, 2004
boston, mass
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i havea mono. He is in saltwater(my brackish tank started to fall apart first archie died and it went down hill from there) He eats pretty much anything. i used to feed my false gar feeders and that little guy ran over and ate a tuffie just swallowed him. I have seen them eat anything. Just go along wiht bloodworms maybe try some brine shrimp or formula one.


New Fish
Apr 18, 2005
red claw crab

bravefish90 , does your crab have access to dry areas in your tank?
. Same question to any one with a crab

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