Anyone have a camera in your tank?

Jun 2, 2009
I am having a 75 gallon salt water tank flush mounted in one of the walls of my living room. I want to put a camera inside the tank that I can then plug into my 52" LCD TV, so I can watch fish on my TV.

Has anyone here done this? Can sombody refer me to specific equipment, camera types, etc...?

thanks a lot



Medium Fish
Mar 19, 2009
Kingston ON.
I have never heard of anything like that but that would be amazing if there is. What I have right now is a webcam in front of my 29 saltwater which is hooked up to my computer upstairs so that I can watch them when I'm online. You could do the same with your tank and tv but the camera wouldn't be in the tank but I'm sure if you look around you will be able to find what your looking for. And if you do please let me know.


Jun 2, 2009
Actually that was my original idea - a camera mounted to the ceiling a few feet away, centered on the tank. Problem is Have no crawl space in my ceiling to run the wires in so it would be very difficult to run wires. That is when I thought, "in the tank!".

I will let you know what I find in my research. The contractor cut the hole, built the base and slid in the tank all in one day. It looks awesome and I can't wait until the water is ready!



Small Fish
May 15, 2009
Virginia Beach, VA
Something that you can try is a wireless network camera housed in a waterproof case and placed inside your tank. That's what I would try if I were to do something like this. Head over to Best Buy, since it easy to return stuff, if it didn't work. Hopefully you already have a wireless network at home. The only issue I see with this is if the wireless signal didn't work under water. If it did, then your golden. I would also find a camera that lets you control scan, tilt and zoom from any computer with interenet connection. They're a bit pricier, but it would let you look "around" in your tank. Hell, when I have the funds, I might try this. Like I said, if it doesn't work, just return the gear and try a different route. Hope this is some food for thought.... *thumbsups