Anyone know about panda cories?


Small Fish
Sep 24, 2009
Here is my a question. I had 4 panda cories. One stayed little and the others grew. Then it died. Did not see that coming. Then another one died but that could've been avoided if I had kept up with the water changes that month. Back on schedule and I checked the levels every week and all with in normal range. I bought a living plant and a snail. The water is clear the fish look happy so I bought 2 more panda cories. Now, one grew, the other is still small, like it shrunk or something and it's barbs( the wiskers?) are really short and looks like it's going to die. Is there something I'm missing? I don't want to go through this again. There's nothing else I can think of to do. Please help.

Feb 27, 2009
What sized tank are they in? What are your readings of ammonia, nitrite and nitrate? What kind of substrate do you have? What else is in the tank besides the plant and snail?


Small Fish
Sep 24, 2009
10 GAL tank, 7 minnows, golden apple snail, 3 other panda cories, Gravel ( I'm noticing some dark spots on some of the gravel)
Ammonia 0
Nitrates 20
nitrites 0
ph 6.5
chlorine 0
alkalinity 30

Just in case it makes a difference, I have a water softener installed in my house so there is salt in my water.


Large Fish
Feb 11, 2003
Rhode Island
Visit site
they were likely baby minnows. the sneaky buggers laid eggs in my tank before I gave mine away and now I have around 50ish baby minnows that are not worth the $5 I spent for the breeder net and $4 I spent on "first bites" baby food.

the reason the barbels are getting hurt are because cories dig in your substrate. If you had sand they wouldn't get hurt. If you had tiny smooth gravel they wouldn't be hurt. I would bet the smaller one is being out competed for foodstuffs.

Are you feeding them sinking shrimp pellets at night? thats when cories eat. minnows will eat the pellets if you drop them during the day.