Anyone know what this is?


Medium Fish
Jan 31, 2010
Midway, GA
I know, you guys are probably thinking oh God, here she goes again. Sowwy! So, I recently posted about having a break out of brown algae. Well last weekend I took a toothbrush to my entire tank/rock and I did NOT notice this little guy. Well one week later I have not one but two of these weird, hard lil things. I thought at first it may be a form of glass anemone, so I touched it and it's hard. It is thin and whiteish. I took it to my usual shop today and the gentlemen that works there said that he has never seen one in 25 years of keeping saltwater tanks. I've posted pics from my camera phone so I'm sorry if they're blurry but I have no clue what they are and if they're harmful. They either were in the rock that it's attached to and I disturbed them or maybe hitchhiked off of some rock I've been keeping separate in my ER tank to cycle it. It was shipped from Puerto Rico but those two tiny pieces I dropped into my tank had been in there a good week or more before I noticed these little guys. This growth (there was two, one attached to my tank and I took it to the shop for identification) is a tad bigger than a quarter in size in ONE WEEK! HELP! Is it good? Bad? :confused:



Medium Fish
Jan 31, 2010
Midway, GA
I tried going through a list of every single coral, anemone, etc. I could find on wetwebmedia. I know the pics are bad, but it really kinda looks like that. It's hard with a pearlish coloration. It's shaped like little flowers similar to a tulip. It's very hard to explain. If I can identify it I will let everyone know.


Medium Fish
Jan 31, 2010
Midway, GA
I know those are horrid quality pics but I spoke to my aquarium store owner and she can't identify this thing, the older gentlemen who I said told me he's been doing this for 25 years went home and looked it up, he can't identify it, I am at a LOSS! When I find my real camera I will post better pics but so far I have dug everywhere and cannot find anything even close to what this thing is. I only have the one in my tank now and it's not growing large (that I can notice) and I haven't seen any new ones. *crazysmil If I figure it out I will let you guys know!

Just a question..How long have you had the tank going? and do you have some old corals?

I've heard of and old urban legend that there is a great possibility of cross breads, almost like in Kansas with family members. lol. I really think you have a freak of nature on your hands...good or bad...who knows. I say go with it.

Feb 17, 2010
In-Wall Tanks

Hey susieq728, where did you get that live rock from? I want to add some to my inside wall aquarium. I have an awesome set-up with clownfish and yellow tangs but the best part is that it is inside my wall. It looks like a living painting. Check them out yourself at or
I got the Jumbo myself. I just need some live rock so replly if you know a cheap source.

Frank the cat man