Anyone tried the Fauna Marin system?


Large Fish
Oct 14, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Anyway, has anyone seen this system before? Fauna Marin
It's the same principal as the ZeoVit system only appears to be a bit better taylored to each persons needs. A couple of guys I've known for years (and there for trust) at a LFS are trying it out and really giving me the gears to try it out too lol. Just wondering if anyone has an opinion on it, or even seen it for that matter lol ;).

They are claiming that their SPS have never had so much colour and that product support is second to none. Apparently the company will actually work with you to determine an appropriate doseing regime (so that you don't burn your corals from nutrients crashing lol). So far that's the only negative I've been able too find... It's TOO concentrated and efficient to use without following the directions. I guess there's been a bunch of people knocking the system because they didn't follow instructions and crashed their tanks in the process... (IMO, NOT the company's fault...) So far as price, it's still not cheap but it's a fraction of the "competition". Not to mention the competition is recommending changing your lights (well T5HO's anyway) every 6 months... Which according to the numbers *I've* seen sounds like a money grab more than anything else (Yes, they also make and sell lamps...).
