Anyone use lace rock?

Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
I saw some nice pieces of lace rock at my LFS today. Upon further research, I discovered these things:

1.) Most people believe it is inert, but some argue that is increases pH dramatically. What about gH???
2.) It contains sulfates that will create a temporary brown diatom algae boom. How long does the algae boom last?
3.) It is very heavy and must be set on an egg carton so that it doesn't crack the tank bottom. Which type of egg cartons are aquarium safe?
4.) It eventually turns into live rock.

Does anyone have experience with this rock? Anyone ever attach plants to lace rock? It looks like a great addition to my aquarium but I'd like to hear your opinions.



Small Fish
Dec 2, 2009
I've got several pieces in both of my aquariums. I did a bit of research and didnt find much negative feedback. Main things i think is to clean them well. I put them in a bucket and run warm water and let over flow. Then I also scrub them with a large brush. I dont seem to be having any issues.


Medium Fish
Feb 27, 2010
We currently have lace rock being seeded, it hasn't spiked anything at all...just like LucG says, make sure you clean it really well. Keeping in mind it is just in a seeding tank, we only have a layer of sand (maybe 1/2" to an inch deep?) under it, along with some crushed coral. I'd say spring for it! It did seem to cause a diatom bloom, but only lasted for about two weeks, we recently bought a turbo snail and he destroyed it virtually overnight.

Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
Doom: did you have an algae bloom? How long did it last?
I bought two pieces of lace rock to start. It is really beautiful and looks awesome. However, I just have one question. There is this bubbly stuff on the rock that chips off with a little elbow grease. It ranges from light blue to orange. I was able to scrub some of this off the rocks, but not all of it. I'm hoping it's not harmful. Nothing has changed with the water parameters. Do you know what it is? I can attempt to post pictures but I have to pack my bags soon for a trip and I won't have my camera for a week.