the fact that they're inline is a greak perk. all you have to do it do maitenence is to close your influent valve and your exfluent valve to isolate the filters. then just do your maitenence, close up the filters, and open your valves. we changed our UVs every 6-months at the aquarium just to be safe. i've actually never used a canister filters (i'm asking for a filstar xp2 for christmas) so i can't personally compare. the only thing to be careful about is if you have a filter full of carbon, it will take a whiel to rinse the dust out. i recommend on having a second set of micron sleaves so you can take the ole sleaves out, put the new, clean ones in, and then after you're all done, go and clean the dirty ones. if you end up with like say, four mechanical units, i'd clean two per cleaning so that you always have two that are covered in bacteria. and depending on the size of your cabinetry, they fit very nicely underneat inline with your sump.