Anything in salt like a black ghost knife?

Jul 29, 2005
Sunny Cali & Rainy England
My wife told me this evening that out of all the fish I have kept in both salt and freshwater, she likes the freshwater black ghost knife the best.
Are there any species in salt water that are remotely similar to these guys? The small adult convict goby I have has the same kind of oscillating movement in his tail (though I rarely see him) but she's not impressed. Any ideas anyone?

Jul 29, 2005
Sunny Cali & Rainy England
Good suggestion abd I'd like to but I don't have the time space or money to do so. I wish I did although I've enjoyed much better success keeping salt than I did keeping fresh, and with much less work. I don't know why.

Perhaps I'll suggest my wife keep her own fresh tank and then she can have one of those rubber worm things that she liked also, but I don't think she'll be too keen. She spends too much time caring for her Bearded Dragon to have time for a tank.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Brotulas look very similar to black ghosts, but are a complete waste of time to keep - hard to feed, disappear into the rockwork, small and brown.
Comets don't need live feeding.

Don't have a good suggestion for the oscillating fins