Apisto confusion?


Small Fish
Jul 27, 2011
Hello fellow apistogramma enthusiasts! I purchased 2 double red apistos a few months ago hoping to have a pair to later find out that i had two males. I then returned and got what i was told to be two female double reds. After color development it seems to me that i have recieved a pair of apisto pertensis... yellow in coloring with black stripes and no bright red fins...

pertensis.jpg This is what my second pair are turning into(i think but could be wrong). And if you look at the tip of the back fin there is a little of the red pattern on it(?)

double red.jpg This is what my male double reds look like...

double red2.jpg but then i also found this picture that shows apparently a female double red cacatuoides.. but kinda looks like the pertensis

as you can tell i am a little confused. i have seen pictures of female double reds with other males reds and they look almost the same just a little smaller with the red fins.. do some females turn a yellowish color? And if i have two different types of apistos can they get along? will they mate or just kill each other? a community of apistos might be cool!