Apistogramma agassizii blue morph

Does anyone know how rare the blue colored Apistogramma agassizii is, mine is a juvinile and has blue coloration on the face and fins with some deep yellow included on the face. The body is white with black stripes. I havent found hardly any information on the net regarding this peticular colored Apistogramma agassizii.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Not so common but not rare. Colour variations in agassizzi are controlled by conditions when raising apparently - any fish can probuce blue yellow or red offspring. In comparism colour variation in cacatuoides is controlled by geographic source and breeds true.
Lots of aggressive fish in the 29, especially if you consider gouramis as the SE Asian equiv of cichlids

Yes I consider the gouramis as the Thialand equivilant of the Cichlid. When me and my old lady got them we thought they were peaceful, at least that what they say about the dwarf variety and while true they wont attack other species (most of the time) but will beat the crap out of each other and the Gold Gourami is king of our Gouramis. One of the wierdest things going on in my tank is that my Krib thinks the Agassizi is his woman and will protect it from the Blood Parrot, anyone ever had something similar to this happen with them.