Apistos and leaf litter


Small Fish
Mar 12, 2004
ottawa, Canada
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Has anyone used leaf litter with their apistos? I've got a 20 gal and some apisto cacs. that I'd like to try this with but I'm not sure how to prep the leaves. I've got lots of maple leaves. Not too many oak so they wouldn't take me through a year I don't think. Do you use the whole leaf or break it up? Will it not rot away eventually and make the tank messy?


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I've tried it. Bear in mind cacs are from not super acid water so watch for a super fast dropping pH but....
1. Use the whole leaf - they will use them for caves, shelter and so on.
2. They tend to rot, but real slow, so stay on top of water changes and you'll be OK

I have no idea if maple is toxic or not so battle test it on something first before anything fancy