Apistos in 10 Gallon?


Large Fish
Feb 29, 2004
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I have a 10 gallon tank right now with 6 cardinal tetras, 2 skunk corys, and 4 danios. Unfortunately, the danios are fighting too much and I'm going today to trade them back to the LFS and then get something new to replace them.

So, I'm looking for something with lots of color and an interesting personality.

I was thinking about the apisto cacatuoides. I know 2 males are a no go, but I don't know if 1 male would be ok alone. Also, I heard from one person who said not to keep a male and female with cory cats, because it spells trouble if and when the apistos breed. I also think 1m/2f is the best mix, but I don't think my tank will allow that much fish.

So, any advice is appreciated as I would like to get these today.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
friend has a breeding setup with pairs in 5g. and he does wonderfully with them. if they spawn he pulls parents a few days after and relocates to a different 5. rinse/repeats the steps till he has his babies in 5's then moves them to bigger tanks when the need arises. figure any fish in the tank, if the Apist. breed will be harrassed by the apisto female. just a forwarning if you get a pair.

A little tedious I think.
Why move the pairs when you can simply and quite harmlessly siphon the babies out and place them in a properly sized "long term" grow-out tank?

IMO a 10, with a breeding pair of cacs and cories is just a bit too small. The cories and cacs inhabit the same strata. Why make a pair fuss over their territory when tetras make fine-enough dithers and will eventually become quite effective at picking off fry.