Apistos on the way... :)


Small Fish
Nov 26, 2004
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Ordered a pair of Triple red cac's today, they should arrive on tuesday, have another 10g tank set up, (and fully cycled this time), got the PH down, ready for the fish to get here. Just thought Id share... Ohh and BTW, my cons are still doing great, getting bigger, and nursing their second brood now, This batch of fry is much more active than the first batch, but I here they always do better the second time around. Anyways, just figured I'd check up with you guys, Ive been reading the new posts every day, just havent posted much myself. If anyone has any apisto tips, stories, advice.... Please post, I'd love to hear what Im getting in to.


Small Fish
Nov 26, 2004
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Took a few pics tonight, of the apistos and my cons, hope you guys like them.
The apistos seem to be doing great, enjoying their new home after flying in from Georgia :). The female convict is shown nursing her second spawn, the male is currently doing time in the prison tank for a domestic disturbance involving the female, but everything is going well I suppose, let me know what you think.


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MFT Staff
Nov 19, 2004
Bangor, Maine
Well, that does it, I'm gettin' me some apistos. Now that the weather is warming up here in Maine I think that shipping won't be so touch and go. The only cichlids I can find around here at LFS's that I trust are firemouths.
Great pictures!!!!!!


Small Fish
Nov 26, 2004
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Sorry for not replying in a timely manner guys, have been away from the computer for a while, but Im back in business now :) The male con is only about 3 inches or so now, had these guys in a 10g together, but they just had their 4th spawn and just cant seem to live together in peace anymore, I tried putting the troublemaking male in a seperate 10g for a while... Put him back in the tank with the female, they were great, then they spawned, and now he attacks the female on site. He is currently doing time in the separate tank for his second domestic disturbance. I bought a 55g this week though, hopefully they will like their new home a little more. As far as the apisto's go, the male passed away about two weeks ago, the water conditions were fine, the female is still doing great in the same tank. Luckily I was able to get a replacement male from the breeder. The new male looks much better, more color and all around more healthy looking. Still working on that first spawn... Well, thats all for now... Ill let you guys know when I get the 55 in the house.