Yesterday I picked up 8 young A. agassizii. I had bought them with the intent of eventualy putting them in my 75 gallon tank with 3 Heros efaciatus once they got some size on them. I'm now having second thoughts about this, not because I'm afraid that the Heros will pick on or eat the apistos, but that the apisto's wouldn't be able to get enough at feeding time. The heros are pigs with fins, and even my tetra's have a strugle getting their own food. So how well are the apisto's to handle themselves in the face of larger competition for food? From many of the general information I've read about apisto's in general, I don't think that they would do very well due to how shy they reportedly are.
I'm already thinking of seting up a 'species only' tank for them. It won't be a true species tank, but more of a dwarf tank. I might be able to get another species of dwarf that I might put in with them.
I'm already thinking of seting up a 'species only' tank for them. It won't be a true species tank, but more of a dwarf tank. I might be able to get another species of dwarf that I might put in with them.