Apple Snail


Large Fish
Sep 18, 2006
rolla, missouri
So, here's a bunch of pics of my snail and a nice little walk through on sexing. :D
Step One. Take snail out of water and hold up side down...

Step Two. Wait....for what seems like a really long time...Note that you can see the darkness in the swirls, those are ovaries/eggs

Step Three. Don't move while snail comes out of shell! ( moved..alot)

Step Four. When snail finally comes out, try to take a peek inside the shell...

If you can't see all the way back, it's a boy! Hooray! If you can, it's a girl! Even better!

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Large Fish
Sep 18, 2006
rolla, missouri
More...After you are done, it is not reccomended you let the snail crawl on you had, as it created a nasty little suction and starts trying to eat...

When you are done, put your snail back in it's home!


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