April 2009's POTM is SALTWATER TANKS (full tank shots)


MFT Staff
Nov 19, 2004
Bangor, Maine
This is up to the mods of course, but off the top of my head I would say it has to be yours. Although I don't know much about SW tanks, i do understand that it takes a lot of dedication & patience and by the time it becomes photo-contest worthy, the owner has spent considerable time, money and effort to make it that way.

When a mod reads this, could they answer definitively?


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
Hi S.Reef,

We have discussed it and decided that the answer will have to be "no". Basically, allowing such a picture would open the door to all sorts of other potentially more difficult/confusing situations. We do not want to appear to underestimate the importance of the role one can/does play as the person doing the maintenance on a given tank, but the level of involvement does vary by person. For example, an LFS employee could take a photo of a store display tank for which they had no involvement in the setup, design, stocking, etc. but for which they change water and scrape the glass. Even if it is a beautiful tank, we question whether that is on par with someone who has gone through the entire process. Because we have no practical way to judge how involved someone is in a tank that is not theirs, we don't want to open that door. Obviously, it is possible for someone to have their own tank on which they have done no planing or maintenance, but the changes are smaller...

Anyway, if you have any further questions feel free to send any of us a PM.