aqarium salt

Mar 21, 2005
I was just wondering if Aqarium salt is safe to use with clown loaches, guppies,pleco,albino cory catfish,&orange spotted ancitrus all in one aqarium.
Also I was wondering if I should be putting ammolock in water everyday if ammonia levels aren't coming down.


Superstar Fish
Feb 17, 2005
why do you want to add salt?

Got Ich?

If you have ammonia, you need to get it to ZERO as fast as possible. Ammonia damages the gills of the fish. Is the tank newly set up?

Ammolock will not make your ammonia readings go to zero even though it "locks" the ammonia, making it safer, and I stress safer, not safe.

Give us some more details on your tank, how long it's been running, if it has cycled completely yet, do you have test kits?

Mar 21, 2005
tank is about three weeks old.Not completly cycled yet.Ammonia level was at 1.0.We had bought some new fish yesterday which are metioned in last post.We put ammo lock in last night to help fish tollerate ammonia levels.This morning ammonia is up to 4.0 and just wondering how often ommonia lock should be used,everyday or everyweek until tank is completly cycled.The salt issue is only for the fact that if they get sick is it safe for some of the fish I metioned


New Fish
Oct 22, 2004
Visit site
I've had my 10G running with 3 platys, 2 guppies and lots of plants for the last 10 mths now. I add 2 tsp of aquarium salt per 10G of water during water changes, but I haven't seen any beneficial/negative effects on my fish. In fact I am planning to discontinue using salt altogether.

The one serious piece of advise I have received on these forums is to limit meddling with water chemistry and believe me it works. I have found that most chemical imbalances can be mitigated with a 50% water change. I still carry out a 20% water change each week. Finally, there is no substitute to giving time to balance its water chemistry.


Superstar Fish
Feb 17, 2005
Yeah, water changes work wonders to dissolve bad stuff like Ammonia. If you change 50%, your 4ppm is down to 2ppm, another 50% WC and you're down to 1ppm, another to 1/2ppm, 1/4ppm etc. Don't do all these WC in one day you know, but over the course of the next couple of days. Generally if your tap is the same as your tank water except for the ammonia, then the fish will appreciate the water change. Look on the AmmoLock container for direction. I seem to remember you could only add it 3 times before they suggested doing a wc. Personally, I would do a water change, then add the ammolock. Buy doing this, you are first removing half of the ammonia present by taking it out and replacing it with fresh tap water, secondly, you are trying to "lock" the remaining ammonia in the tank witht he ammolock.