Aqua Addiction

Aug 18, 2007
Hello Everybody!

Its nice to meet you! I just wanted to introduce myself and say a little bit about me. I have been keeping aquariums for as far back as i can remember and it seems i just can't stop- not that i want to-

I have a great affinity for Freshwater fish. I love Betta's, Red Tail Black Sharks, Angels, Black Ghost Knifefish, and a whole lot more that i cant think of right now lol. I also love Fancy Goldfish and Koi.


P.S I'd love to make some friends on here! It's been a while since I've had a good online buddy to chat with about our fishies and other water critters =3

Aug 18, 2007
welcome to the tank!

o...and might want to wait on the BGK and not add him first. they are senstive to newer tanks

Oh! don't worry, the tank had a Large Jack Dempsey in it while my friends tank was cycling, as well as a pleco and some other bottom feeders. They have all been moved to his 300 Gallon now so my tank is quite stable and has been tested.


MFT Staff
Jul 27, 2007
Hamilton, ON.
welcome to MFT mate. I am dabbling in breeding fancy guppies right now actually. I keep them with a fancy male betta (everything I read said bettas and guppies = bad... I forgot then bought a betta but I have not had a single problem so far).

Anyways, welcome again.

Aug 18, 2007
Yes, it is called a di-sho.
It is the sword the samurai used while on horse back.
It is over 6 feet long.
I thought so! =) I'm a big anime fan and I always look into japanese history. The samurai are my favorite, the Shinsengumi, choshu, satsuma, i love reading about them. (their all samurai groups)

Aug 18, 2007
welcome to MFT mate. I am dabbling in breeding fancy guppies right now actually. I keep them with a fancy male betta (everything I read said bettas and guppies = bad... I forgot then bought a betta but I have not had a single problem so far).

Anyways, welcome again.
thats kinda kool, cause you would think that the betta wouldnt like their long brightly colored fins but i bet thats an awesome show! Both those fish are gorgeous.


MFT Staff
Jul 27, 2007
Hamilton, ON.
it is a pretty showy tank I admit. I also heard that the betta wouldn't like the fins, but he hasn't even gone after the guppies yet, so I am happy. I guess maybe it depends on the individual bettas, or perhaps the colourations or something. No idea.