
Large Fish
Jun 15, 2003
Montclair, NJ
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Can I use these 2 medecines together.. Henry is in fiji's tank. As you know Fiji died and you were all correct he did have fungus.... Now Henry is displaying what I think are the tell tale signs... He has a broken dorsal fins, I think from transport to Petco, and his tail fins curl at the end...

He didn't eat this morning (uh oh) and is lying at the bottom of the tank quietly/./ Now incase I am being paranoid, this could indeed be the reajusting period, as he just arrived last night...

I am using Melafix at the moment, to repair his fins, he has had 2 doses so far.. So my question is, can I put Aquarisol in there too as a preventitive? Or am I simply being too neurotic!!??:confused:


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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I used them both together also. Not sure how effective Aquarisol is, but it may help. I know the feeling of neurosis too... since Rigel has been sick (bad case of ICK) I am getting paranoid about everything too.

I have to absolutely hold myself back from adding meds to the tank every time I walk by and see him suffering!

3 Sick fish from 3 different illnesses (Bacteria, Fungus and now ICK) in the first 4 weeks I own fish. So far, NOT A RELAXING HOBBY!!!!

If you need to stress, misery loves company, send me a PM or post!


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
ok guys what are you both doing?! i have never seen soo much betta trouble.all joking aside have you thougt about getting your fish from a local fish store instead of a pet chain.when you geta betta from a pet chain,they have been under such bad conditons for so long once you get them their so sick there is little hope for them.when you get your bettas home try a garlic juice treatment on the food fro your betta to help purge parasites,and use some aquarium salt to encourage a natural slime coat,don't use stess coat the fish need to do it on their own.


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Finchy - Pet Chain (Petsmart)
Rigel - Pet Store (Big Al's)
3 Females - Walmart

I agree with you about the chain stores. I am desperately trying to find a local breeder so I can get a younger, healthy betta should any one of mine perish.

There is also, but they breed show quality fish, I simply cannot afford their fish at this time.

Reena (with Rigel) now has her fins constantly closed and she is resting on the bottom as well. No spots so far, but certainly not her usual self.

I have added aquirium salt (1tsp) but I have also done a water change since - should I add a bit more (3gal tank / 1tsp in the past 2 water changes)?


Large Fish
Jun 15, 2003
Montclair, NJ
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I know exactly what you are saying, BUT the problem is there is NO "mom and Pop" pet stores around me... Only the petcos, Lancelot came from Manhattan and he is absolutely fine, and a beauty.... Strong as an ox and really sweet....

Yesterday, Henry was a fiesty little so and so.. They get their new shipments of fish on Thursdays so I figured I would have better luck....

I need to give him more time, but again HELP can I put Aquarisol and Melafix together... My tank stinks of the latter.......



Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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"Anyway, the problem with aquarisol is that its active ingredient is rendered completely useless by most dechlorinating products. Instead of aquarisol, try coppersafe (only when you HAVE ich or velvet, not with each water change). The form of copper in coppersafe is not neutralized by dechlorinators. And it's much more effective as a treatment."

I think you can mix Melafix and Aquarisol together, just NOT with a water conditioner.