Aquarium davider

I'm looking to buy a good size of Plexy glass for cheep and enough to fit within a ten gal tank, or a screened davider, I would most enjoy a screened in davider ^_^! If anyone is in the mood to sell one or is about to throw one way O_O please think twice cause I rrrrreeeeaaaalllllyyy need one " puppyeyes" I want to use it in my ten gal so I can finaly have a planned breeding insted of a bunch of pregnant unknown females and possable blank pale frys X_X. Females will be on one side ( closest to the heater ) and males will be on the other for a nonemating yet natural serounding. Thank you for anyone who can send me a pm about this, cheep is to be in the range of 10dollars plus shiping & handleing nothing higher then 15.

If's? I've never been there but I will check it out O_O I'm about to get fry and family some new comrades in two days and I really need that tank davider for my female to breed pure and natural Deltas X_X. Was it screened in? And did you have to go far?

3 bucks is awesome... * drools * more money for plants that I direly need to make the babies feel natural XD.

Oo; oy I'm a internet hog for 6 years and I still dont know LFS or PIM XD Local fish store eh? I'm ganna go to Corals Reef laiter in the week and defenetly check it out , the new guppies have to go threw a quarenteen anyway, so I'll, have two and a half weeks to keep a eye on my davider =D this is going to be great if I can find a screened in davider! Imagen the possabilities ^^ One pleco in each side for clean up crew with some shimpies for the fry as they zig threw the davider into both ends for the time being, and male and females apart and save from eachothers advances ^_^.Thanks guys!

Nov 27, 2005
I bought my divider at a lfs for $8. I have adults on 1 side and fry on the other. It would definately be cheaper to buy 1 directly from a store as opposed to ordering one through the mail.

I like this method because I have been able to save many fry with it.

It's definately a smart investment. It looks like a piece of plastic with many holes in it. In case you were wondering.

Aug 23, 2005
bellaire, ohio
i dont know if i read that wrong or not, did u say ur going to put 2 plecos in a 10 gallon aquarium with a divider? thats a little insane, i have 1 in a 29 gallon and he's about to outgrow it quick. poop everywhere, plec's are very messy fish, they need ALOT of water, i dont even know if you could get away with 2 dwarf plec's in a 10 gallon.